Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Girls Night||Friendships

This is the beauty of friendship.
Taking the simple thing of time and just a wee bit of effort (hardly any, really) 
and whipping up some delightful memories.
And let me just say-some of the best friendships are with people who aren't your age.
Some of the dearest people in my life range in age from babies to elderly.
There's so much variety and interest and fun in that age span! 
Don't limit your friendships to people who are exactly your age.
You'll learn so much more if you surround yourself with friends in every walk/stage of life.
So here I am sharing with you an evening spent with some very amazing people that I love so much.
My beloved bestie/sista, Alli, who is nineteen.
My fellow blogger/photographer/hashtager/everythingelsetoo friend, Hannah, who is twenty.
The creative and inspiring Cassie, who is twenty-five and married.
And the spunky and very kindred Miss Mary Jane, who is Cassie's m-in-law.
 Other than some incredible people...you'll just need a cozy curl-up place, a fun activity (ours was the all-time classic and favorite, "Emma") and some yummy snacks.
We kinda overdid it on the food, as you can see...and this spread doesn't even include our coffee/cider & pizza. 
Pretty sure I went home significantly wider than when I came. =)
There you have it-all that you need for a girl's night.
Go make it happen! You'll be blessed! =)
